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Palas China

Home Air Quality Monitors for Ambient Air

Air quality testing provides reliable and accurate air quality information, and can be widely applied to indoor and outdoor use

High precision dust measurement, CO2 and TVOC/Palas® Air quality and infection risk index.


AQ Guard

Compact environmental air quality monitoring device. Using Palas® Aerosol spectrometer technology can accurately measure the pollution of particulate matter to the air.


AQ Guard Ambient

Indoor air quality monitoring device. With highly accurate measurement of fine dust, CO2, and TVOC, Palas ® Air quality and infection risk index.


Cloud droplet analyzer

Fixed fine dust analyzer, approved for use in regulating air pollution control.


Fidas® System

Lightweight, shell free fine dust aerosol spectrometer for integration into carrier systems, battery powered (photo: shell for flying drones)



Fidas® Fly 100

Lightweight aerosol spectrometer integrated on HORUS octocopter



Fidas® Fly 200

Lightweight aerosol spectrometer integrated on HORUS octocopter



Fidas® Frog