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Palas China

Home Air Quality Measurement

AQ Guard from Palas provides reliable, accurate information on air quality and can be used for a variety of indoor and outdoor applications.

Compact indoor air quality monitor. Featuring highly precise fine dust measurement, CO2 and TVOC, Palas® Air Quality and Infection Risk Index.



AQ Guard

Compact ambient air quality monitor. Featuring Palas® aerosol spectrometer technology for precise measurement of air pollution by particulates.



AQ Guard Ambient

High-Resolution Aerosol spectrometer for insitu cloud monitoring of droplets and ice crystals



Cloud Droplet Analyzer

EN 16450 approved fine dust measurement device for simultaneous measurement of PM2.5 and PM10



Fidas® 200

Lightweight, caseless fine dust aerosol spectrometer for integration in carrier systems, battery powered (Photo: Cased for flight drone)



Fidas® Fly 100

Lightweight aerosol spectrometer integrated in a HORUS octocopter



Fidas® Fly 200

Battery powered, portable fine dust measurement device with detachable control panel, for outdoor, indoor and workplace measurements



Fidas® Frog