Are your masks really safe?

Meet us at FSA2020 from 9. – 11. December in Shanghai. Bring your mask sample, we do a free filtration efficiency test according to EN149 standard for. See you at the Palas® Booth C19 Hall N1 at SNIEC.

A special and reliable test rig for the filtering efficiency of virus protective masks

The Palas® PMFT 1000 is developed to specifically test the filtering efficiency of virus protective masks. A unique advantage of the Palas® PMFT 1000 is that it can accurately measure the classification efficiency under each particle size. Compared with other test rigs on the market, Palas® PMFT 1000 offers mask filtration efficiency tests in an efficient and professional way. Let us have a look at the benefits from a technical point of view:

  • Test rig working principle according to EN 143, EN 149 and EN 13274-7 standard
  • Includes 2 Aerosol generators for NaCl and oil
  • Upgrade KIT for GB 2626, 42CFR84 and ASTM 2299-3 available
  • Testing of fractional efficiency, e.g. efficiency in whole size range of 100 nm up to 40 µm
  • Exact analysis of filter and filter mask efficiency for Corona Virus (size approx. 120 nm up to 160 nm) in the size range between 100nm and 180 nm we have 8 size channels
  • Future proof: Works with any kind of aerosol without adjustments
  • Simulation of breathing resistance by measurement of differential pressure at different face velocities
  • Face velocity adjustable between 1.5 – 50 cm/s
  • Product capable of fast quality assurance AND continuous optimization in RD (display of size distribution)
  • Individual face mask adapter for your product
  • Attractive 2 years maintenance package for availability of test rig

PMFT 1000 part of the test lab of BASF

The worldwide leading chemical company BASF unveiled a new mask testing lab at its Innovation Campus in Shanghai. This is a joint initiative between Palas®, TÜV NORD and BASF supported by the Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany. The goal is to procure masks from China for the medical and non-medical use, and to ensure the safety of masks in an efficient and professional way.
Check the functions of the PMFT 1000 live in our demo lab

In the Palas® office in Shanghai we installed a demo lab in which you can check the functions of the PMFT 1000. Either you come in person or we set up a video call and our experts show you the functionalities of this test rig online in a live session.

Make an appointment today. Contact us via

Phone: +86 400 – 784 – 6669


You can also see the PMFT 1000 live in action on the 8th Filtration & Separation Asia and the 11th China International Filtration & Separation Exhibition, 9. – 11. December, Shanghai. Welcome to Palas® booth C19, Hall N1, Shanghai New International Expo Centre. We will offer you a free filtration efficiency test according to EN149 standard for your mask sample.