Better Air Quality in the Amusement Park. More Fun.

When it comes to amusement parks, what do you think of? Screaming roller coasters, jumping machines with various themes, refreshing water rides……In fact, apart from the outdoor attractions, an amusement park also contains quite large indoor spaces. Against the background of a normalized COVID-19 prevention trend, special attention shall be paid to indoor spaces. Recently, Europa Park, a European theme park in Rust, Germany, launched a pilot project and used Palas® AQ Guard ambient air quality monitor to measure indoor air quality and determine COVID-19 infection risk within the park, in order to guarantee the safety of the visitors during its opening phase.

Efficient and Precise Technical Support

The Europa Park is composed of 18 parks with different European countries as the themes, therefore providing the experience of a miniature European one-day tour within the park. A large part of activities needs to be carried out indoor. Places for indoor performances, dining, and souvenir purchasing could all be crowded where strict controls are required. In order to better determine the risk of infection in various indoor areas, Europa Park contacted Palas®, the German Aerosol technology expert, and used its technology.

The project started quickly. Europa Park received multiple Palas® AQ Guard air quality monitors within one day, and completed installation by the next day. The devices were placed at different locations such as restaurants, souvenir shops, and cinemas. For indoor usage, Palas® added a CO2 measurement cell. Combing this with the aerosol concentration measurement, the infection risk of the site can be told.

The accurate and intuitive monitoring of Palas® AQ Guard serves as the foundation for further standards and measures. “In the future, much more importance will be given to indoor air quality,” stated Ronald Schwär, Head of Confertainment, Europa Park, “We will commit ourselves to certain standards, and most certainly these standards will below the legal requirements. Thus, the measures we need to take in order to live up to these standards are achievable only if reliable measurements are taken first. The extremely precise adjustment of the Palas devices, the AQ Guard, provides us with the evaluation we require.”

AQ Guard Ambient Air Quality Monitor

AQ Guard is the world’s leading compact ambient air quality monitor. By calculating PM values based on single particle optical light scattering, and also due to Palas® highly efficient aerosol drying systems, can provide accurate and reliable indoor and ambient air quality data as independent monitoring devices or used in monitoring networks.


·       Technology based on the type-approved Fidas® 200 series (EN16450 and MCERTS)
·       Simultaneous measurement of PM1, PM5, PM4, PM10, TSP, CN, etc.
·       High accuracy with advanced algorithms
·       Long term stability thanks to self-calibration for measurement of flow rate, particle size channels, and gaseous pollutants
·       Operates on AC, DC, or power-over-Ethernet


·       Industry: Production processes, bulk material handling (mixing, discharge, storage, packaging, etc.), fenceline monitoring
·       Construction sites: Roads, railroads, demolition sites
·       Buildings: Schools, kindergartens, hospitals, hotels, offices, public service buildings
·       Residential buildings near construction sites or other polluted areas
·       Public transportation: Airports, train stations, tramway & underground stations, cruise ships, passenger cabins such as in tram and train.