German Aerosol Technology at the FSA

On 12,500 m2 the 8th Filtration & Separation Asia (FSA) attracted many experts from different fields of filtration: Filter Media, Filter Media Production Equipment and Accessories, Chemicals, Filters, Filters Production lines and of course Testing & Analysis equipment, the core competence of Palas®. In addition to the information at the Palas® booth, Michael Wolf, Managing Director, and Linus Wang, Sales Unit Manager Industry & Science, held a presentation that was received with great interest by the large audience at the speaker’s arena in hall N1.

A major trend at the show: Safe and reliable filtration
The measurement of particles in the air and the effectiveness of filter masks have become a major concern in China. The first one gained great importance due to the stricter environmental regulations. The second one is a result of Covid-19. For both major fields, Palas® offers high-quality solutions, visitors could experience at the company’s booth in Hall N1.

The PMFT 1000 brings a new type of efficiency analysis test bench to the Chinese market, specially developed for the filter material (filtration) of the coronavirus mask. The PMFT 1000 can measure especially EN 149 & ASTM F2100 as well CWA 17553. At the booth, visitors also could also get their own picture of the performance of the Promo® 3000. This is a light-scattering aerosol spectrometer system for particle size analysis and concentration determination that can be equipped with all Welas® sensors.

Quality Made in Germany for China

Since Palas® started just this year with a new office in Shanghai to better serve the market, the visitors of the Technical Presentation series at the FSA in hall N1 were highly interested to learn more about the German pioneer in Aerosol Technology. Michael Wolf and Linus Wang gave a 30-minute presentation with the title EN149 & ASTM 2299-3 Penetration Test by Palas®. The speaker’s arena was full. No seat was available.

Michael Wolf started the presentation with an overview of the history and competence of Palas® with focus on China. The message: Quality Made in Germany is now easier available for the Chinese market ensured by a local team of experts. In the second part of the presentation, Linus Wang went deep into technology aspects and explained in detail, why the testing approach of Palas® is advanced. Key takeaways for the visitors: Palas® is ISO 9001:2015 certified, all solutions are compliant with European EN norms, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Standard and of course with the Chinese GB2626 Standard.

Reliable particle measurement more important than ever

In times of strict environmental regulations and threats caused by the coronavirus, highly reliable particle measurement of the ambient air as well as precise test rigs for filter material and filter masks play a major role in the filtration industry. Visitors at the Palas® booth at the FSA had the opportunity to see these solutions.

Missed the FSA? Experience our demo lab online

In the Palas® office in Shanghai we installed a demo lab in which you can check the functions of the PMFT 1000. Either you come in person or we set up a video call and our experts show you the functionalities of this test rig online in a live session.

Make an appointment today. Contact us via
Phone: +86 400 – 784 – 6669