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HomeProductsCloud Droplet Analyzer

Cloud Droplet Analyzer

High-Resolution Aerosol spectrometer for insitu cloud monitoring of droplets and ice crystals


The Cloud Droplet Analyzer is a high-resolution optical aerosolspectrometer optimized for measuring size distribution and number concentration of cloud aerosols like droplets and ice crystals. Based on the measurement principle of optical light scattering (90°) on single particles and high resolution components droplets and ice crystals can be distinguished.

The optical sensor is also used in research applications from KIT for Ice Nucleation Studies at AIDA -Chamber

Additionally the cloud water content as well as mean droplet diameter can be reported.



USB, Ethernet, RS232/485, Wi-Fi

Measurement range (size)

0,6 µm – 40 µm,
2 µm – 100 µm

Measuring principle

Optische Lichtstreuung am Einzelpartikel mit Auswertung von Signallänge und Amplitude

Volume flow

5 l/min

Data acquisition

20 MHz processor, 256 raw data channels, digital

Reported data

Partikelgrößenverteilung, Anzahlkonzentration, Wassergehalt, mittlerer volumenäquivalenter Durchmesser

Messbereich (Anzahlkonzentration)

0 – 200 P/cm3



•     Insitu-Cloudmonitoring
•     Environmental Research
•     Climate Research
•     Cloudformation
•     Ice Nucleation Events