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HomeProductsAerosol sensor welas® 2070 H

Aerosol sensor welas® 2070 H

Aerosol sensor pressure-resistant up to 1 bar overpressure and heatable up to 250 °C


Depending on the composition of the aerosol to be measured, i.e. the carrier gas component and the particle material, temperature changes in the carrier gas can significantly influence the particle size distribution, e.g. due to condensation or evaporation.

For this reason, the aerosol sensors welas® 2070 H through to welas® 2500 H are equipped with a heatable cuvette to ensure isobaric and isothermal sampling down to the sensor’s measurement volume.

Figure 1: Heatable welas® cuvette

The cuvettes are made of stainless steel. If the sensor is used in aggressive and corrosive aerosols, the cuvette can be made of stainless steel or other special materials, such as Hastelloy.

Sealed additional disks prevent aerosol from the cuvette from escaping into the surroundings. The additional disks are easy to clean and replace by the operator.


Measurement range (size)

0.2 – 40 µm (3 measurement ranges)

Measurement range (number CN)

0 – 106 particles/cm3

Thermodynamic conditions

≤ 250°C, -100 – +50 mbarg

Volume flow

5 l/min (others on demand)

Light source

Xenon arc lamp 35 W


50 • 250 • 100 mm (H • W • D)


approx. 2,8 kg





    Determination of the separation efficiency of car interior filters, engine air filters, room air filters, compressed air filters, vacuum cleaner filters, cleanable filters, electrostatic precipitators, oil separators, cooling lubricant separators, wet scrubbers, cyclones and other separators
    Isothermal and isobaric particle size and quantitative determination, for instance in the automobile, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries
    Analysis of fast, transient processes
    Inspection of smoke detectors
    Particle formation for cloud formation
    Emission measurements
    Immission measurements