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Fidas® Smart 100 E

Fine dust measuring device for existing roof openings for measuring PM2.5 and PM10 (EN 16450 certified) and other parameters such as PM1, PM4, TSP


•    Technology based on the type approved Fidas® 200 series (EN16450 and MCERTS); simultaneous measurement of Cn, PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10
•    Computation of air quality index based on measurements of particulates, CO2, and VOC
•    High accuracy due to advanced algorithms
•    Long term stable due to self calibration for measurement of flow rate, particulates, and gaseous pollutants
•    2 years operation without calibration; re-calibration with NIST traced test powder possible on site
•    Operates on AC or DC


Fidas® Smart 100 E the currently most advanced compact measuring instrument for the determination of ambient air quality, continuously and reliably analyzes airborne fine dust particles in the size range 0.175 – 20 µm and is released and approved by TÜV for PM2.5 and PM10 for official measurements. A newly developed algorithm for mass determination calculates PM values via optical scattered light measurement on the single particle, taking into account signal duration and shape. Measurement system and algorithms were developed based on the technology of the EN 16450-certified Fidas® 200.

The heated aerosol inlet ensures that the measurement result is independent of humidity or mist droplets. Fidas® Smart 100 E thus achieves high accuracy under all weather conditions.

In addition to the fine dust fraction PM2.5 and PM10 which is relevant for official immission control, Fidas® Smart 100 E simultaneously calculates and stores PM1, PM4, the total dust load, the particle number concentration CN as well as the particle size distribution. Fidas® Smart 100 E thus provides comprehensive and accurate information on fine dust particles, which in this form is only possible with a counting single particle measurement method.

Fidas® Smart 100 E is designed for unattended continuous operation and features an exceptionally durable blower for the sample air stream. The aerosol sampling, aerosol conditioning and optical sensor system are resistant to contamination and can still be cleaned by the user if necessary.

Automatic calibration tracking of the measuring system ensures unprecedented long-term stability and allows operation for up to two years without recalibration. The calibration status can be checked by means of a test dust calibrated by Palas®. Palas® aerosol spectrometers are thus the only optical fine dust measuring instruments that can be calibrated by the user at the place of operation against a traceable standard.

Fidas® Smart 100 E is designed for measurement in measuring booths and can be mounted directly on the sampling tube, easily installed in existing structures. Especially in tight spaces and difficult installation conditions, this allows for weather-independent, safer operation protected from influences.

Fidas® Smart 100 E features fast data interfaces and allows real time access over Ethernet, Wi-Fi or cellular network. Since all results are calculated and recorded within the analyzer it requires no external data processing by, e.g., cloud computing. Users retain full control over their data and decide over information access. Fidas® Smart 100 E can provide numerical data, using various communication protocols, as well as visualize information on any type of device using a modern web interface.


Measuring principle

Optical light scattering of single particles

Reported data

PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, TSP, CN, particle size distribution, ambient pressure, ambient temperature, rel. ambient humidity, CO2, Air Quality Index, source indication (depending on configuration)

Measurement range (number CN)

0 – 20,000 particles/cm³

Size channels

64 (32/decade)

Measurement range (size)

0.175 – 20 µm

Measurement range (mass)

0 – 20,000 µg/m³

Measurement uncertainty

R2 > 0.98 for PM2.5 and R2> 0.94 for PM10
versus EN 16450-certified Fidas® 200
(15 min average, each)

Volume flow

1.0 l/min ≙ 0.06 m³/h

Data acquisition

Digital, 22 MHz processor, 256 raw data channels

Light source

Long term stable LED

Power consumption

Normal operation: 15 W, max. 60 W

User interface

Touchscreen 800 • 480 pixel, 5" (12.7 cm )


3.9 kg

Operating system

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

Data logger storage

10 GB



Response time

1 s

Aerosol conditioning

Thermal with compact IADS

Installation conditions

-20 – +50 °C,


USB, Ethernet (LAN), Wi-Fi, 4G




240 • 320 • 190 mm (H • W • D)


0.95 – 1.05 (measured against EN 16450 certified Fidas® 200)


•    Technology based on the type approved Fidas® 200 series (EN16450 and MCERTS); simultaneous measurement of Cn, PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10
•    Computation of air quality index based on measurements of particulates, CO2, and VOC
•    High accuracy due to advanced algorithms
•    Long term stable due to self calibration for measurement of flow rate, particulates, and gaseous pollutants
•    2 years operation without calibration; re-calibration with NIST traced test powder possible on site
•    Operates on AC or DC


•    Industry:
      -    Production processes
      -    Bulk material handling (mixing, discharge, storage, packaging etc.)
      -    Fenceline Monitoring
•    Construction sites: Roads, railroads, demolition sites
•    Buildings: Schools, kindergartens, hospitals, hotels, offices, public service buildings
•    Residential buildings near construction sites or other polluted areas
•    Public transportation: Airports, train stations, tramway & underground stations, cruise ships, passenger cabin, e.g. in tram, train