Palas® GmbH finds a partner for the future in Brockhaus Capital Management

Palas® company founder and CEO Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Leander Mölter has decided to enter his well-deserved retirement after 35 years and sell his company shares to Brockhaus Capital Management AG (BCM), an inde- pendent technology holding with a focus on holdings in innovation and technology leaders.

With the withdrawal of Mr. Mölter, Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Weiß becomes sole CEO of the company. Dr. Weiß, since 2008 Head of Devel- opment and Production, acquired the shares of the company co-founder Fritz Munzinger in 2015 and since then headed the company to- gether with Leander Mölter. Find out more about the Palas® success story on the following pages.

„A successful succession plan offers optimal conditions for continuing our extraordinary growth story,“ explains Leander Mölter. „In the selection of the new majority shareholder, it was crucial for us that BCM is not only thor- oughly familiar with the needs of rapidly grow- ing medium-sized technology leaders and can support us with a broad network of industry experts, but moreover, as a technology hold- ing, BCM is committed to long-term partner- ship and, contrary to conventional financial in- vestors, is not subject to a prescribed investment horizon.“

„BCM’s outstanding network enables us to continue driving forward our hitherto very suc- cessful expansion, above all by opening up new

international markets and additional applica- tion areas,“ adds Weiß, who presented the company vision to his employees at the Christ- mas party at the beginning of December. One of the main objectives for the coming years is, for example, to forge ahead with the pioneer- ing role and globally propagate Fidas® – the op- tical fine dust measurement device.

„As an experienced technology investor that has accompanied companies like Wirecard and 360T in their success stories, we are convinced that Palas® is a technology leader in a class of its own,“ says Marco Brockhaus, CEO of BCM. „The company has at its disposal a worldwide unique technology for optical particle measure- ment and is ideally positioned in a niche whose impressive growth is driven by global meg- atrends. This means that Palas® not only stands for extraordinary dynamics, associated with high profitability, but also for top growth per- spectives in the long term. Taking up a share in Palas® is an important milestone in building up our BCM portfolio and in preparing for our planned IPO,“ Brockhaus continues.