


VKL 10 E

Dilution system made of stainless steel for chemically aggressive aerosols with a dilution factor of 1:10.


The VKL 10 E model variant is a dilution system made of stainless steel which works according to the ejector principle for chemically aggressive aerosols. The dilution system can be used up to a temperature of 700 Kelvin. The systems can be cascaded down to a dilution factor of 1:100,000.

Table 1: Technical characteristics of Palas® dilution systems

The dilution system VKL 10 E has not got integrated pneumatical elements like the standard version VKL 10. SO the user of the equipment has to ensure himself that the definite amount of clean air is at disposal.

Additional information


<span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    The dilution systems from Palas® are characterized unambiguously. This is documented with a calibration certificate for each individual device.
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    The dilution steps deliver a temporally constant, representative dilution with the factors 10 and 100.
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    The dilution systems can be cascaded with the factors 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Low compressed air consumption , e.g. just 128 l/min with a dilution factor of 10,000 with four VKL 10 systems
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    The dilution steps are combinable with all common particle counters.
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    With a simple test set-up these cascaded dilution systems can be checked by the users themselves.
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Isobaric dilution up to 10 bar overpressure / isothermal dilution up to 120°C with the VKL 10 E, VKL 10 ED, KHG 10 and KHG 10 D dilution systems
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Simple functional test on-site


<span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Aerosol measurement technology: diesel exhaust gases, swarfs, coolant aerosols, weld smoke, oil droplets, test aerosols of filters and inertial separators
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Separation efficiency determination with counting measuring methods, e.g. with dust filters or HEPA/ULPA filters
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Leak test and acceptance measurements of clean rooms, isolators and safety work benches
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Inhalation toxicology
<br> <span style="color:#008b57">•</span>    Quality control of respirator masks and filter cartridges


100 • 245 • 100 mm


approx. 8.5 kg

Dilution factor

1 : 10

Isokinetic suction nozzles

0.6 – 1.6 l/min, 2 – 5 l/min, 4 – 10 l/min, 8 – 16 l/min, 28 l/min => 15 – 37 l/min

Maximum particle size

< 20 µm (for dusts)

Special features

Cascadable, chemical resistant

Volume flow (clean air)

18 – 45 l/min

Volume flow (suction flow)

2 – 5 l/min

Compressed air supply

4 – 8 bar